Thursday, February 4, 2010

What is in a Name

Have you ever wondered about your name? Does your name say anything about you? Do you think that you are destined to behave a certain way because of your name? What was the real reason your parents named you _____ (fill in the blank)? Or is it purely coincidence that you are called _______?

Don't get me wrong I am not a believer of fate. I believe that I am a product of my own life experiences, I just find it interesting to think about things that seem peculiar to others.

Out of curiosity I looked on the internet for the meaning of my daughters name. Taisha "Full of Life". For those that know my daughter you would probably agree with this finding. My son Matthew (Hebrew)"Gift from the Lord" Then I thought how about me, first name James (Hebrew) , it means "Yahweh protects". Then I went to Doug, (Celtic) "Dark Stranger". Then I searched my wife's name Nancy (Hebrew) "Grace" Elizabeth (Hebrew) "God's Promise".

So if I were to put what I found to print this would be my story. Yahweh Protects the Dark Stranger who is married to Grace; God's Promise, I have a daughter who is Full of Life and a son who is a Gift from the Lord.

Now to be honest with you I think that just about sums up my story. Kind of scary to think that my parents named me with just a name that sounded good to them, maybe there is something to fate after all............? Not really.


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