Sunday, February 21, 2010

What's That?

I don't know how many of you have found that time has a way of sneaking up and letting you know that you aren't as young as you once were. I had one of those experiences a couple of weeks ago.

A group of men from our church went to a men's retreat, this was Friday evening and most of Saturday. Some of the younger men thought that they would spend the night in the church with their sleeping bags on the floor of a Sunday school room. I didn't think that sounded very comfortable so myself and another friend stayed at a local motel. This turned out to be just one of the events that would show my age.

Friday evening the meal that we were served was very good, roast beef with potatoes and veggies and plenty of coffee available, after the meal we enjoyed the topics that were covered by the guest speakers, I was glad I came.

Saturday the breakfast was great, biscuits and gravy with sausage and eggs and plenty of coffee. Good manly food, no yogurt or bagels. After breakfast we enjoyed more good speaking, along with some very good music and comical relief now and again. Now you have to remember that this is a men's retreat and most men after a good meal tend to get a little distracted unless the speaking is exceptional. Well I do anyway. So with that said I will try to describe to the best of my ability what happened next.

Lunch was served and there was about 45 minutes after lunch that I had to myself. So I thought that a walk around the area might be good. The sun was shining and the temperature was mild, I began walking towards the freeway overpass, this seemed to be the most interesting area around. When I got to the overpass what did I hear coming by but a dude on his Harley out for a Saturday ride, man was I envious of him. My mind then started to wander, I guess daydreaming is what I have been accused of in the past. Well it was now time to go back to the church to hear more speaking.

Inside the church it was warm and my mind was on other things than what the speaker was talking about. I did hear enough to follow along with the topic of his speech. I checked the agenda for the retreat and saw that two more speakers were yet to come. The next guy that came to the platform had a bit of a distracting habit of scratching his nose during his talk, also I felt that he was a little scattered in his speech. So with the warm room, the thoughts of somebody having a good Saturday ride and distracting habits of the speaker, my mind was definitely not on the topic at hand. However I did hear his story about those he has come across in his ministry, about the stories of his kids. I really did enjoy what he had to say. Then at the end of his time on the platform I heard him talking about prayer and healing.

What I did not hear was going to be important for the next few moments. I heard that we were to stand if we had an area of our lives that we needed release from. Others around me started to stand, and then we were asked to stand with those who have requested prayer. I stood and prayed for a friend on my left, I had no idea what his affliction was but I prayed for him anyway. The service concluded with several testimonies of God's healing mercies. What an experience to be a witness to His compassion and mercy.

So what is the topic of this post?...........

After this we were excused for a small break before the last speaker. I went out to be with my friends and as I approached, one of them asked me: "Did that make you feel a little uncomfortable?" I said: "Yes but I didn't hear all that he was speaking about, I was a little distracted." Well this friend of mine just busted out into a roaring laughter. I thought he was going to fall on the floor laughing. Then he said: "Seriously, you couldn't hear?" He thought that I was joking. I said: No, the speaker was disjointed in his topic and the thing with his nose just lost me." My friend then asked "Do you not know what the praying was about? It was a healing service for those that were hard of hearing."

Well then the irony set in. To think that I was at a healing service for those that had difficulty hearing, and I didn't hear what was said. You might say that I was a little curious as to why all those who gave testimony after the healing service were praising the Lord for allowing them to hear more clearly. I just thought that it was a very curious coincident. Boy do I feel my age now.  ===Skid===

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